How To Use Your Guide

  • Decide which mileage goal is right for you.

    • If you’re a long time runner, and are looking to challenge yourself with weekly run total of up to 25 miles, The 1000 Mile Year is for you. If you’re looking for a more approachable time commitment, The 300 Mile Year tops out at 35 per month.

  • Start running

    • We recommend tracking your runs with either Strava or Nike Running - as both apps will document your monthly run totals (note: Strava will capture this data only if you pay for a premium membership). 

  • Make a note of which days you move

    • Put a check, a dot or your mileage in the box for the respective day.

  • Do some arithmetic

    • At the end of each month, add up your mileage - or check your Strava/Nike Running app for your totals. Enter this number on your running guide ….and share your progress with @the1000mileyear

Not meeting your goals per month? Increase the following month’s mileage or reach out to us at We’ll get you the guide that’s better suited to your current pace.


Our Running Essentials


What is The 1000 Mile Year